Saturday, November 10, 2007

We used hulas...

We worked those arms with the hulas...

we drove 'Route 66' with our hulas...

cont'd...shakers, for a latin flava

Jr. Jazz Camp cont'd....we made streamers and danced with them.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Junior Jazzercise Beach Camp

this summer I held a Jr. Jazzercise three day camp for kids. It was hours and tons of work, yet work that was so fun and rewarding. Abbey had a lot of her friends there, Desi helped me out and another mom as well. (couldn't get her to dance though!) ;)

Family Picture with Brandon, Brady and Kelci

Family and the three girls!

This was also taken at my cousin's house. Thought it was a good time to get a family picture in, since we were all dressed up!
Here is Aunty Abbey holding sweet Brady at my cousin's house after my Grandpa Weaver's funeral recently. Grandpa would have turned 84 this December. Brady is his great, great grandson.


Here is Brady in his little seems he really likes it, so much so that it puts him right to sleep!